


據英美近年數據, 初創企業中, 大約有1/2在5年內結業, 能撐到10年的只有1/3。 它們的死因多種多樣, 約45%因其產品或服務沒有市場需求 / 不重視客戶需要 / 市場推廣不足;  20%因沒有正確團隊; 15%因沒有可行的商業模式; 其餘則因為價格或成本問題, 又或面對強大競爭對手等。 

Per UK & US recent data, for all new start-ups, about 1/2 of them are closed within the first 5 years whilst only 1/3 can endure for 10 years. There are many different reasons causing their deaths, about 45% due to no market demand for their products or services / ignorance of customers' needs / insufficient marketing; 20% because of no right team; 15% because there is no feasible business model; and the rests are originated by their pricing or costing issues; or encountering strong competitors, etc.