公司介紹About us


「立邦國際」是一家定位服務中小型企業的專業管理顧問公司。更有名氣但收費高的管理顧問, 不見得最合適。當遇到問題時, 關鍵在於能否以最快速度,  實施最有效的解決方案。

世事萬變, 唯一不變的就是「改變」本身。但企業多不能察覺, 直至風險或問題逐漸浮現。即使有人洞識先機, 想進行改革, 也容易受到阻礙。面對以上這些,「立邦國際」能助一臂之力。

“ Standpoint Int’l ” is a professional management consultancy firm, positioning to serve the segment of Small to Medium enterprises. More celebrated management consultants charging higher fees are not necessarily the most suitable ones. When encountering problems, the key is whether you can implement the most effective solutions at the fastest speed.

The world keeps on changing, and the only constant thing is "change“ itself. However, most companies cannot detect their existence until the risks or problems gradually turn to be prominent. Even if someone can have the insights and wants to carry out some reforms, they are easily hindered. With all of the above, “ Standpoint Int’l " can really help.

Your reliable and agile solutions deliverer